Ex-Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who is the first Prime Minister not from the Nehru-Gandhi family to serve two full terms, completing 10 years in office, will end his long tenure in the Rajya Sabha after 33 years on Wednesday.
Manmohan Singh, born on September 26, 1932, is a retired Indian politician, economist, teacher, and government official. He was the 13th Prime Minister of India, from 2004 to 2014.
He’s known for being the third longest-serving prime minister, following Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi. Singh, a member of the Indian National Congress, was the first Sikh to become India’s prime minister.
He was also the first prime minister since Jawaharlal Nehru to be re-elected after finishing a full five-year term.
Manmohan Singh Family
Manmohan Singh got married to Gursharan Kaur in 1958, and they have three daughters: Upinder Singh, Daman Singh, and Amrit Singh.
Upinder Singh is a history professor at Ashoka University and has written several books. Daman Singh graduated from St. Stephen’s College and the Institute of Rural Management and is an author. Amrit Singh works as a staff attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union.
Manmohan Singh has had several heart surgeries, with the most recent one in January 2009.
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Manmohan Singh Networth
Manmohan Singh, the Indian politician and economist, has a net worth of $3 million. That means he has a total value of money, property, and other assets worth around $3 million.